To make your design work easier, please check out our ready-made Templates here.
For our plastic cards to be printed, films or CPT plates have to be made. These films or CPT Plates contain the information that is to be printed on your cards.
Bleed (blue area) is the amount of artwork that falls outside of the printing bounding box. Make sure you don’t have any important information in this area because 1/4″ on all sides will be trimmed off.
Due to variances in die cutting, it is not recommended to submit a card design with a “framed border”. A Possible slight shift in die cutting will cause the printed frame border to appear off center. The safety area is the space where your layout, design, and content are safe from being cut. When providing print ready artwork, make sure your card design does NOT have rounded corners.
Note: Please remove trim lines (dotted line) from final artwork. Bleed must be included in final print ready artwork. Convert all fonts to outlines.
File Formats
We accept the following types of files when submitting your artwork: PSD AI PDF EPS TIF. For .psd and .ai files, please submit your original layered files. Be sure that your artwork is saved in CMYK color mode at high quality. Make sure that your artwork includes the bleed specifications to avoid any unwanted vari- ances of your card design.gained a record in providing translucent smart cards with an affordable price. All the items having a high percentage warranty ant meet all your needs.
We request that fonts be converted to paths, when possible, which allows the text to become vector shapes. By doing this, you will not need to provide us with the fonts that you used in your design.
Color Specs
A. CMYK aka 4 Color Process, CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. This method blends four colors to create almost any color combination. All pictures are printed using this method. Artwork designed in applications like Adobe Photo Shop will produce a CMYK image for printing (unless Black is the only color used).
B. Spot Color aka Pantone Color uses specific inks that are premixed to print an exact color. When exact solid colors, colors that can not be reproduced with a CMYK mix or metallic colors are required, or when there are only one to three exact colors in the artwork,the spot color system is used. To print spot colors the artwork must be created in a vector based application such as Adobe Illustrator. Black and white image scan be colored (single or gradient) with spot colors when imported into a vector based application. When selecting spot colors use only Pantone Solid Coated colors.
A mix of CMYK and Spot colors is possible but requires additional print heads and will add more cost.
At Ultrawise, we require that your artwork is submitted at 300 dpi (dots per inch). If your design is lower than 300 dpi, it will not print clearly and will result in a blurry and unreadable card. Many times our customers will use images from the web, which are normally at 72 dpi, and attempt to enlarge them to meet the specifications but the image will become pixilated (or fuzzy) looking and will undoubtedly produce a poor result. In some cases you can fix a low resolution image by rescanning your image at a higher resolution or by retaking your picture with your camera’s settings set to the highest resolution.